One More From COLOMBIA! | 70000TONS OF METAL - The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise

One More From COLOMBIA!

We seem to make these kind of mistakes every year. Could it be because we are indulging too much in Jamaican hobbies while being in British Columbia?

Our apologies to the people of COLOMBIA! It looks like we have to add one more from that country so we won’t forget: Please Welcome THY ANTICHRIST on 70000TONS OF METAL 2015, The Original! The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise!

In other news, Online Check-In codes for fully booked and ticketed passengers are currently being sent out. Please be patient as it may take up to 24 hours for the system to send all codes. If you do not receive yours within the next 24 hours, please make sure to check your spam folder and contact us.