2017 Survivor Feedback Survey – Closed | 70000TONS OF METAL - The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise

2017 Survivor Feedback Survey – Closed

Thank you to all Sailors who submitted your 70000TONS OF METAL 2017 Survivor Feedback Survey. We are astounded that over 60% of you completed the Survey… This shows us that you are truly the most dedicated and passionate fans in the world!

Our team will be working diligently to review your answers and comments in order to make 70000TONS OF METAL 2018 even better! We also do apologize for the technical issues that caused a number of our Sailors problems when filling out the Survey.

We hope to see you all on board Round 8 of 70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise – sailing from Miami/Ft Lauderdale, FL to Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos and back on February 1-5, 2018!


your 70000TONS OF METAL team